
Es werden Posts vom April, 2018 angezeigt.

First World Records on Bandcamp

First World Records style is Hip Hop and Funk in all kind of varieties. Founded by frustration about  the actual releases in the music industry in 2003.  I found out about them as i saw the "Children of Zeus" 7inch "Slow Down / All Night" in my Bandcamp feed. This Release is a Hip Hop / Soul track, that reminds me of the Bad Boy / Jermain Dupri tracks that where out in the 90s. Especially the beats.  By digging to their backcatalogue i found some funky, brassy stuff that i really liked. The releases are not only 7 inch vinyl. You also get 12 inches, LPs, CDs and Tapes as well as some other merch.  The First World Records Store is a collection of artist stores that are sent together by the label if you order different artists. You have to get through the releases / artists to find your stuff what. As far as i can say, if you like futuristic sounds you should dig through this store to find some "jazzy beats", funky and "heavy basslines...

KiNETiK Records on Bandcamp

There is more on this store than only one label. There are KiNETiK Records, Preset and InFact Recordings. They bring you all kind of electronic music on almost every format. Vinyl, CD and Tape all are welcome. Some recordings are in a straight way produced that have a song like structure and there are some recordings that are experimental soundscapes that take you on a journey. Enjoy your trip to new sounds. Check their store: KinetiK Store

Grindpromotion Records

And now to something completely different: I stumbled upon this label on instagram (follow me @45evenheaven ). They are releasing Grindcore. Some of their releases are on 7 inch vinyl. As some of my roots are into heavy metal, i'm used to guitars in any kind of being played and here you are getting your package of full guitar sound. I actually was surprised to hear such music on a 45 and i must say, that i liked what i heard. The 45s in their shop are colorful. Almost every release you can buy in colored vinyl, but there is also black. Not my "Every-Day-Music" but on some days this fits! Check their store here: Grindpromotion Records Store

New Origu releases coming in May 2018

In May there are two new relases coming from  Origu . Two fresh Hip Hop 45s from Sadat X and Fokis. Release Date is May the 11th 2018. You can check them out on their site or listen to them below. Both releases are funky, fresh Hip Hop tunes that really rock. I can't wait to put them in my box. 

Colemine Records Store

The idea behind Colemine Records is to release "raw, authentic" soul music on vinyl. The label was created by some guys wanted to get their music released and got into funk/soul when they released their first 45. But you can read their story here  before i tell you something wrong. I stumbled across them online in the german online store i buy most of my records (I buy there also because of tracking my package and of course the local factor, that not every 7" i order has to travel half around the globe and i thing that will save our environment). They have great releases out by artists like Orgone, Jungle Fire.... Their releases are available in black ans sometimes also in color. Some of them are limited editions and are sold out very quickly. So if you don't place a preorder you may don't get a copy of the wanted 45. They also have a subscription service where they send out emails with preorders and specials. Check that here . If you like to find out more ...

45 Brothers on Bandcamp

The "45 Brothers" is someone or sometwo or somemore that release funky, souly and jazzy breaks with some Hip Hop flavas on 45s. Their Releases are fresh black gold for your turntables. As there isn't more to say: Check it: 45 Brothers on Bandcamp

45even Heaven mix April 2018

Here is the mix for April 2018: This time i made a mix using the stuff i write about in my blog. Stuff from Boca 45, Dusty Donuts, Colemine Records, Origu and many more. Enjoy it.